Our hypothesis, derived from
previous research was that regular
smoking is associated with an increased
risk of new onset of these mood and anxiety
disorders. We also assessed the dose response
relationship between the average number
of cigarettes smoked and the risk of newonset
disorders and whether the relationship
between smoking and new-onset
psychopathology varied by sociodemographic
of regular smoking during at least part of the
3-year follow-up period with new onset of major
depressive episodes, dysthymia, manic episodes,
generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder,
social phobia, specific phobias, and posttraumatic
stress disorder. Our hypothesis, derived from
previous research
Our hypothesis, derived fromprevious research was that regularsmoking is associated with an increasedrisk of new onset of these mood and anxietydisorders. We also assessed the dose responserelationship between the average numberof cigarettes smoked and the risk of newonsetdisorders and whether the relationshipbetween smoking and new-onsetpsychopathology varied by sociodemographiccharacteristics.of regular smoking during at least part of the3-year follow-up period with new onset of majordepressive episodes, dysthymia, manic episodes,generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder,social phobia, specific phobias, and posttraumaticstress disorder. Our hypothesis, derived fromprevious research
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