Weight of individual fruits was recorded on the day of harvesting and after the different sampling dates. Cumulative weight
losses were expressed as percentage loss of original weight
(n ¼ 30). Super ficial colouer was determined by measuring L*, a * and
b* chromaticity co-ordinates of the CIE Lab scale and the total
colour difference ( Konica Minolta, 20 07 ) between day 0 and last
sampling date was calculated by using the formula:
DE ¼ O [( L0 L)2þ (a0 a )2þ (b0 b)2], where L0, a0and b0
are there adings at day 0 and L, a , and b are the readings after 8 weeks of storage ( n ¼ 30). Firmness was determined on 30 lemons from each
treatment (10 for each of the 3 replicates) using a flat steel plate
probe coupled on a TX-XT2i Texture Analyzer (Stable Microsystems,
UK). A bevelled holder prevented bruising of the opposite side. For
each fruit, the diameter was measured and then a force that achieved a 3% deformation of the fruit diameter was applied. Results
were expressed as the ratio between the measured force and the
lemon diameter (N/mm).
Weight of individual fruits was recorded on the day of harvesting and after the different sampling dates. Cumulative weightlosses were expressed as percentage loss of original weight(n ¼ 30). Super ficial colouer was determined by measuring L*, a * andb* chromaticity co-ordinates of the CIE Lab scale and the totalcolour difference ( Konica Minolta, 20 07 ) between day 0 and lastsampling date was calculated by using the formula:DE ¼ O [( L0 L)2þ (a0 a )2þ (b0 b)2], where L0, a0and b0are there adings at day 0 and L, a , and b are the readings after 8 weeks of storage ( n ¼ 30). Firmness was determined on 30 lemons from eachtreatment (10 for each of the 3 replicates) using a flat steel plateprobe coupled on a TX-XT2i Texture Analyzer (Stable Microsystems,UK). A bevelled holder prevented bruising of the opposite side. Foreach fruit, the diameter was measured and then a force that achieved a 3% deformation of the fruit diameter was applied. Resultswere expressed as the ratio between the measured force and thelemon diameter (N/mm).
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