we'll wait and see what they do. I know that Shawars in trouble. Most Egyptians don't like it that he's friendly with the Franks. Everyone hates it when he gives Egyptian money Amnric because they know that he uss ittokeep the Franks fighting in the Holy Land. No Muslim wants this! Before long. the Egyptians will fight for us. At last, early one spring morning. Yusuf ran to his uncle Sir, the enemy's coming! The old general looked at his nephew. Today, I want you to do some real fighting. Yusuf Take the group of soldiers in the middle of my army Make the Frankish knights think that you and your men are weak and afraid. Turn and run. They'll follow with the hope of killing many of you. but I'll take the rest of our army around them. Then you'll surprise them when you turn round and fight!' Yusuf was worried, 'Will I do well? Will the men follow me and do what I ask? But there were no problems. The plan worked! King Amalric was lucky to get away safely but Syrian swords and arrows killed many of his knights. It was a great victory for Nuradin's men. but Shirkuh knew that he was not safe