Elewated addition of selenium and vitamin E has positive influence of the concentration and total sperm count in the ejaculates of young boars. Morphological evaluation of spermatozoa in the ejaculates of the boars demonstrated that an addition of 0.5 mg Se + 60 mg vitamin E to 1 kg of feed reduced considerably the percentage of morphologically changed spermatozoa. A positive effect of selenium on sperm concentration and morphology has been confirmed also by other authors (LIU et al., 1982; MARIN-GUZMAN et al., 1997). It was demonstrated in studies on boars (MARIN-GUZMAN et al., 1997, 2000a) that adding vitamin E alone in an amount of 220 IU/kg of ration was of little effect in relation to morphological changes in spermatozoa or other traits. This implies that both antioxidants, Se + vitamin E, which act synergistically, should be administered jointly (GABRYSZUK, 1994).