4. Evaluations and Discussions
The formative evaluation has been carried out using paper based questionnaire presented to the target users
who are UiTM students who will take the program Bachelor in Science (Honours) Biology with program code
30 students of target users were chosen for the survey testing and all of them are female and have the age
range between 20-24 years old. These paper based questionnaires was printed and the Microbiology application
were burned in the CD for 30 students. Each one received one CD and one paper of questionnaires which is
warped with an envelope and were brought to their room or house to test the application. After five days, all
questionnaires were collected and evaluated.
The SPSS software was used to evaluate the questionnaire. The SPSS is a statistical package for Social
Sciences. It was designed to perform statistical analysis data which is used for complex calculations in analyzing
numerical data.
The testing was conducted to evaluate the usability of the application in terms of learnability, memorability,
simplicity and satisfaction. Learnability aspect is to test the content of the Microbiology subject, whether the
content suit with the objective learning or not. Memorability aspect is to test whether the application can help the
users to remember the steps and term in Microbiology subject easily or not. Simplicity aspect is to test the
simplification and the continuity of the user interface. Lastly, satisfaction aspect is to test the attractiveness of the
In the Table 1 above, the highest mean score among all four aspects is learnability which is 4.27. This means
that the target users favour learnability aspect rather than the other four. Almost all the target users agreed that
this application helped their lesson process with each lecture well organized, easy to understand, pictures and
explanations with a step by step help in learning process and the content suit the learning objective of the subject.
This is compatible with the cognitive theory which target users act on information in ways that make the lesson
more meaningful.
Memorability comes after learnability as target users can store information in the long term memory in an
organized structure related to their existing understanding of the subject matter. Encouraging students to create
such structure makes students learn in the best condition which lead to long lasting memory. Simplicity aspect
with the mean score of 4.13, agreed that the terminologies used for navigation are intuitive, terms throughout the
applications used are consistent, navigation button is handy and user friendly in every page and position of texts
and pictures on the screen is consistent. This aspect considered important as it promotes the smoothness of the
application delivery.
The lowest mean is satisfaction aspect where some of the users feel that this satisfaction aspect needs to be
improved further which involves the design, font text, colour theme that need to be more attractive and layout
interface that require to be more visually appealing so that it will motivate the students better.
4. Evaluations and Discussions The formative evaluation has been carried out using paper based questionnaire presented to the target userswho are UiTM students who will take the program Bachelor in Science (Honours) Biology with program codeAS201. 30 students of target users were chosen for the survey testing and all of them are female and have the agerange between 20-24 years old. These paper based questionnaires was printed and the Microbiology applicationwere burned in the CD for 30 students. Each one received one CD and one paper of questionnaires which iswarped with an envelope and were brought to their room or house to test the application. After five days, allquestionnaires were collected and evaluated. The SPSS software was used to evaluate the questionnaire. The SPSS is a statistical package for SocialSciences. It was designed to perform statistical analysis data which is used for complex calculations in analyzingnumerical data. The testing was conducted to evaluate the usability of the application in terms of learnability, memorability,simplicity and satisfaction. Learnability aspect is to test the content of the Microbiology subject, whether thecontent suit with the objective learning or not. Memorability aspect is to test whether the application can help theusers to remember the steps and term in Microbiology subject easily or not. Simplicity aspect is to test thesimplification and the continuity of the user interface. Lastly, satisfaction aspect is to test the attractiveness of theapplication. In the Table 1 above, the highest mean score among all four aspects is learnability which is 4.27. This meansthat the target users favour learnability aspect rather than the other four. Almost all the target users agreed thatthis application helped their lesson process with each lecture well organized, easy to understand, pictures andexplanations with a step by step help in learning process and the content suit the learning objective of the subject.This is compatible with the cognitive theory which target users act on information in ways that make the lessonmore meaningful. Memorability comes after learnability as target users can store information in the long term memory in anorganized structure related to their existing understanding of the subject matter. Encouraging students to createsuch structure makes students learn in the best condition which lead to long lasting memory. Simplicity aspectwith the mean score of 4.13, agreed that the terminologies used for navigation are intuitive, terms throughout theapplications used are consistent, navigation button is handy and user friendly in every page and position of textsand pictures on the screen is consistent. This aspect considered important as it promotes the smoothness of theapplication delivery. The lowest mean is satisfaction aspect where some of the users feel that this satisfaction aspect needs to beimproved further which involves the design, font text, colour theme that need to be more attractive and layoutinterface that require to be more visually appealing so that it will motivate the students better.
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