Human health is a dynamic process experienced by families in a reciprocal manner.
Human health includes the interaction of health and illness.
Family health incorporates the health of the collective and the interaction of the health of the individual with the collective, and reflects an interaction of biopsycosocial and contextual phenomena.
nurses have a commitment and moral obligation to support family and societal health
families and nurses hold health beliefs that influence health behaviors.
families nurses develop as they co-evolve a sense of their experience and that of the family though relationship.
the interaction of the caring and informed family nurse and the family working together will facilitate movement toward family health.
family nursing practice acknowledges the reciprocity between family and health; the multiple levels of impact in family health dynamics; and the consideration of the relationships between the family; family members, and nurses, and between families and society (context).
family nurses attend to and engage with diverse individual and family needs in all types of health care sitting in meeting health and illness care needs
families have inherent competencies, strengths, and unique interaction processes that influence family health beliefs, goals, and actions.
all families have the capacity for transforming their quality of life and family health.
all verbal& non-verbal family communication is meaningful.
all families possess a cultural heritage that is integral to family health and family life.