Jenny had a big test coming up on Friday. Thursday evening she started feeling not feeling well
. Earlier in the day. It had rain hard and she got very wer walking home from school. Even though she wasn't feeling like her a person who is happy or smiles a lot
, she had to study. She tried to let how she was felling roll off her like when something has no effect on a person and kept studying. As she struggled to learn the social studies words, she felt as if her brain were confused . She dutifully pressed on, but began to feel worse and worse. having tears in a person’s eyes, but not shedding tears. She wondered how she was going to learn all the terms in time for the test time next day. She wiped away one tear and then another, but then came a crying endlessly.
Her mom heard Jenny's sobs and came in to her room. As soon as she saw Janny, she went to get the thermomenter. Sure enough, her temperature high and she was having a high fever with fever.
Mom immediately told Jenny to get into bed. Jenny protested, saying that she would be in trouble
if she didn,t keep studying.
"I hate to be a ," said her mom, "But there will be no test tomorrow-not for you! You are studying home until this breaks. Now wash away those tears and get some rest, young lady."
With that, Mom tucked Jenny in and gave her a kiss un the forehead. Jennt smiled, not just because Mom's cool lips in her warm skin felt good, but more because she knew her Mom loved her and would take care of her. And that was more important than any test.