Well, things were going as planned, then I met this boy, then my ship got destroyed by Imperials, then we saw these Imperial Crates and now we are in a high speed chase pursuit with other people after us."
"Sounds like your Father and I's Honeymoon. The other group, who are they?"
"No clue, but their group contains some guy, a Lasat, and a Mandalorian, and it's Nebula."
"Nebula, oh Sabine! Isn't she the one who?"
"Great. Well listen Dad can't get to you, he's doing another job."
"I know, I'll contact him when to get me-"
"I'm already en route (F/N)." Dad said.
"Dad? That was quick."
"Be careful boys." Mom hangs up.
"Send the coordinates where I'll be getting you."
"Sending them now."
"Got it, I'll get you and your friend soon."
"Ezra, follow these coordinates, WHAT IN THE?!"
Kanan lands in front of them, his speeder sending sparks, he stops in front of them, Ezra stops also.
"Who are you?" Ezra asks.
"I'm the guy who was stealing that crate."
"Hey look, we stole this stuff, whatever it is, fair and square." (F/N) nods.
"Now, go away." (F/N) said.
"And you both made it pretty far, but I got plans for that crate, so today is not your guy's day."
A TIE Fighter is seen behind Kanan, heading towards them, (F/N) and Ezra look at each other.
"Day's not over yet." (F/N) said.
Kanan was puzzled, then hears the TIE Fighter, "Oh wonderful."
He jumps off his speeder and the TIE Fighter blows it up.
Kanan gets up and looks at the two.
"Have a good one!" Ezra waves.
(F/N) gives a mocking bow.
Kanan chuckles, "This is Specter 1, I need a lift."
They keep going, and the TIE Fighter goes after them.
"Ezra....PUNCH IT!"
The TIE Fighter shoots at them, (F/N) then shoots at the pilot, he managed to graze him, "That should give us time."
The TIE Fighter Pilot managed to regain himself and continued to shoot at them.
They meet at a cliff, The TIE Fighter is on them.
"I got this. Wanna see something cool?"
(F/N) pulls a rectangle handle out, he presses a button on it.
A Darksaber.
Ezra was shocked to see one.
"No way."
(F/N) ran and jumped in the air, activating his Jetpack, going towards the TIE Fighter, he slashes The TIE Fighter's right wing and it goes spiraling to the ground, exploding.
He flies back down to Ezra.
"Before you ask, no this isn't a Lightsaber, it's a Darksaber."
"It was used in the old Republic, and this belonged to two Rulers of Mandalore."
Green blast shots land near them, more TIE Fighters, "Oh no."
Then a Ship came out from above and shot the other TIE Fighter downs.