Previous studies have revealed (Kwee & Niemeyer, 2011;
Yeşiloğlu & Şit, 2012) that basil is a potential source of antioxidants
and the antioxidant activity of basil extracts is dependent on the content
of phenolic acids and flavonoids and the type of solvent used for
extraction. The control pullulan film had no antioxidant activity, but
the inclusion of the SBE into the film resulted in such activity. It
was found that the free radical scavenging activity of those pullulan
films containing SBE significantly increased (P b 0.05) with increasing
SBE levels in the film (Fig. 4), whereas film containing 30 mg SBE/cm2
showed about a 2.5-fold lower free radical scavenging activity than SBE.