Costs and benefits of ISO 14000
Directly benefit, is reducing resource to use the material, energy, reduce costs of organizing production, reduce the risk of danger to the community around the area. Indirect benefit is to be accepted by the society that is not the destroyer environment cause good relationships with customers, employees and employee, have a famous of community was considered is that environmental conservation and increase the business opportunities, which is a result of the initiative of the products not destroying the environment. This is especially useful.
Help to reduce the cost in the long run due to consideration with using of resources usefully and make the minimize impact to environmental. As a result, low cost, increase the opportunity in the field of trade, negotiate the trade more convenient. As a result, can maintain the market share and increase the opportunity to expand the market in the future, create a good image for the organization because participation in creative enhances the environment to the society as a whole affect the image of organization acceptable to society, get the Certified Environmental management system, the organization apply the standard ISO 14000 implementation can claim agencies certification to accepted certify environmental management system. The enterprise can be used in advertising and public relations to promote corporate image better.