Hybrid vigour was found regarding fruits number per plant in six crosses, since they gave highly significant positive ADH values (ranging from 1.37 – 10.15%) in relation to the better parent (Table 1). Partial dominance to large number of fruits was also found in three crosses, since they showed significant positive and significant negative heterosis values, based on MP and BP, respectively. Hybrid vigour was also noticed in six crosses for total fruits weight (Table 2), since they showed highly significant positive heterosis values over BP with high potence values, these crosses were 1x3, 1x5, 2x3, 2x6, 3x4 and 3x5. On the other hand, the trait was controlled by no-dominance genes in some crosses, since both parent and F1 means did not significantly different. Also dominance and partial dominance of high fruits yield were observed in the other crosses.