The future is mobile
The hotel is also investing in improving its Internet service.
Even though Wi-Fi is available everywhere throughout
the hotel, SI-SUITES is already making new plans for the
„We are participating in a project called Future
Hotel where
we are particularly interested in automatic
check-in and check-out, opening doors and managing
room controls by means of an app,“ explains Thomas
the hotel’s managing director. These topics will
be researched and discussed together with larger hotel
chains and Fraunhofer
who are all participating in this
project. In the future, if SI-SUITES guests are to be able to
control the lights and blinds, as well as the temperature of
their rooms by means of a mobile app, the Wi-Fi infra-
The future is mobileThe hotel is also investing in improving its Internet service.Even though Wi-Fi is available everywhere throughoutthe hotel, SI-SUITES is already making new plans for thefuture.„We are participating in a project called FutureHotel wherewe are particularly interested in automaticcheck-in and check-out, opening doors and managingroom controls by means of an app,“ explains ThomasBehrendt,the hotel’s managing director. These topics willbe researched and discussed together with larger hotelchains and Fraunhoferwho are all participating in thisproject. In the future, if SI-SUITES guests are to be able tocontrol the lights and blinds, as well as the temperature oftheir rooms by means of a mobile app, the Wi-Fi infra-
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