Happy House prepares for anything the best for you to take a rest in clear and safe atmospheres like your house with mom's heart.
Happy House is located in the distance of 3 minutes from Youngness Road whom Ehwa Womans University, Korea Broadcasting Art School, Yonsei University, Sogang University, etc are located, and it is proud of surrounding atmospheres of quiet cozy, which is rare around.
Advantages of Happy House
1. A landlord herself manages it, and always administers cleanly like mom's heart.
2.It is proud of thorough securities by 24 hours works of a director, and CCTVs installed at several spots, and a thorough guard system of CAPS.
3.It is quiet and safe managed as a gositel in every floors of 7-floored individual building exclusively for one-room.
4. An elevator runs at every floor for convenience.
5.It is convenient for traffic since it is located in the distance of 3 minutes from Ehwa Womans University station of 2nd line of the subway.
6.It has a lot of occupants satisfied with its environment.