EXHIBIT 2 Financial characteristics for Long- Distance Telecommunications Firms
MCI communication
WorldCom (LDDS)
S&P 500
-Stock betas are from Bloomberg, Inc., and Value Line.
-Estimated 1996 year- end EPS.
-Based on 1996 estimated EPS.
-Growth rates in EPS are from Value Line.
-Firm value is the sum of long - term debt (LTD) and the market value of equity.
-Recent Share Price
-Number of Shares (Millions)
-Market Capitalization (Millions)
-Long-Term Debt, Incl. Capitalized Leases ( LTD)
- Total Interest Coverage (EBIT/Interest)
-LTD/( LTD + Book Value of Equity)
-LTD/( LTD + Market value of Equity)
-LTD/Book value of Equity
-LTD/Market value of Equity
-Stock Bata
-Estimated Year-End ERS
-price/Earnings Ratio
-Annual Dividend
-Dividend Payout%
-Dividend Yield %
-historic 5-year Growth EPS %
-projected 5-Year Grow EPS%
-Firm Value /1996 EBITDA
S&P 500
AMEX North American Telecom
EXHIBIT 2 Financial characteristics for Long- Distance Telecommunications FirmsCompanyAmeritechAT&TMCI communicationSprintWorldCom (LDDS) S&P 500.................x2-Stock betas are from Bloomberg, Inc., and Value Line. -Estimated 1996 year- end EPS. -Based on 1996 estimated EPS. -Growth rates in EPS are from Value Line. -Firm value is the sum of long - term debt (LTD) and the market value of equity. ...,,,.............-Recent Share Price-Number of Shares (Millions) -Market Capitalization (Millions)-Long-Term Debt, Incl. Capitalized Leases ( LTD) - Total Interest Coverage (EBIT/Interest) -LTD/( LTD + Book Value of Equity) -LTD/( LTD + Market value of Equity)-LTD/Book value of Equity -LTD/Market value of Equity...............-Stock Bata -Estimated Year-End ERS -price/Earnings Ratio-Annual Dividend -Dividend Payout%-Dividend Yield %-historic 5-year Growth EPS %-projected 5-Year Grow EPS%-Firm Value /1996 EBITDAS&P 500AMEX North American Telecom
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