Regarding the SM muscle, none of the hams from pigs that rested 12 h had pH45 < 6.0 (P < 0.001, data not shown). With respect to the pHu, all hams showed values lower than 6.0 (P > 0.05).
Taking into account the five meat quality classes, results showed that 14.0% of the loins evaluated were scored as PSE, 6.9% as PFN, 44.4% as RSE, 34.7% as RFN and 0% as DFD, indicating that the softness and exudation (PSE and RSE) were the major problems in this study. No differences among treatments were observed on the proportion of PSE, PFN and DFD loins. Significant differences were observed in the proportion of RSE and RFN pork. The group F12L12 had the lowest proportion of RSE pork and the highest proportion of RFN pork.