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Issue: VisasThis issue contains 3 sections.
Documents and publications
How can I sponsor someone visiting the Netherlands from abroad for a short stay?
You may sponsor someone visiting the Netherlands from abroad for a short stay of no longer than 90 days. The visitor will need to be sponsored if they have less than €34 a day to spend. If the visitor has proof that they have more than €34 a day to spend, in for example in the form of bank statements, travel cheques or cash, sponsorship will not be required.
Proof of sponsorship
To sponsor someone financially, you will need to earn at least €1,501.80 (gross income, excluding holiday pay). You will need to complete the Proof of sponsorship and/or private accommodation form. The municipality will need to legalise your signature on the form. You will then need to send the form (with certain documents) to your guest abroad. They will then, if required, need to apply to a Dutch embassy or consulate abroad for a visa.
You are in employment and wish to sponsor someone
You can sponsor someone if you are in employment. The person you wish to sponsor needs the following documents:
the fully completed and signed form Proof of sponsorship and/or private accommodation;
a copy of your employment contract that is valid for at least 12 months from the date of the visa application;
a copy of your last three salary statements;
a photocopy of your passport or identity card.
You are self-employed and wish to sponsor someone
You can also sponsor someone if you are self-employed. The person you wish to sponsor requires the following documents:
the fully completed and signed form ‘Proof of sponsorship and/or private accommodation’;
a recent extract (uittreksel) proving your registration with the Chamber of Commerce;
your most recent final income tax assessment from the Tax and Customs Administration; and
a recent profit and loss account, showing your net profit.
When do I need a visa to travel abroad?
Which visa do I need to travel to the Netherlands?
How do I apply for a visa for the Netherlands?
When do I need a Caribbean visa?
Can I object if I am refused a visa for the Netherlands?
Can I extend a Schengen visa in the Netherlands?
More about this issue
Questions and answers
Visa contact information
Responsible ministry
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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