Following receipt of Insurer’s instructions, we contacted the Insured and repairer to discuss and verify the claim details.
We were conversations with Khun Chompoo Saenpansiri was the technician of the repair centre of Ariya Equipment Nakhon Ratchasima, who performed the repair and inspection at the location of loss. We were advised that the backhoe had already been temporarily repaired for the backhoe can be move to the temporary residency.
We were notified from Khun Chompoo that he spoke with Khun Somwong Jongsa-Nguanklan and Khun Phaiboon Permphun the owner of the two backhoes damaged. They were operating the backhoes for dig up the pool. On Thursday 4th June 2015 at approximately 1900 hours, they parked the backhoes near their residency. In the morning of Friday 5th June 2015, they found that the part of backhoe was theft therefore they notified the police and called the repair centre.