The results in Table II demonstrate that emotional exhaustion significantly and
positively influences depression (b ¼ 0:37; p , 0:001). Therefore, H2 is supported.
The results show that there is a significant negative relationship between positive
affectivity and depression in step 2. However, such a significant relationship is not
observed in step 3 with the addition of emotional exhaustion. Furthermore, there is a
significant increment in R 2 of the model (DR2 ¼ 0:10; p , 0:001). Sobel test result in
Table II demonstrates a significant mediating role of emotional exhaustion on the
relationship between positive affectivity and depression (t ¼ 22:89; p , 0:01).
Therefore, H3a is supported. Though intrinsic motivation does not significantly
influence depression, Sobel test result provides empirical support for emotional
exhaustion as a full mediator in the relationship between intrinsic motivation and
depression (t ¼ 21:96; p # 0:05). Therefore, H3b is supported.