The banks of the Chambo River were crowded with exotic jungle trees, their gnarled branches hanging over the water and blocking out the sky overhead. Unseen, unfamiliar birds squawked and screeched. Howler monkeys emitted distant growls and roars as if warning passersby to turn back. The river current carried Youssef and Mona along swiftly in a canoe that was built from cheap plastic materials. With each rock that jutted out of the water came the fear that their canoe would wreck, overturn, and spill them both into the rushing waters.
"Which side are you paddling on?" Youssef asked, his eyes wild with fear.
"Both sides!" Mona shouted from the back of the canoe. She'd chosen the seat in back because she wanted to steer, but she'd had no idea that the water would be so high and the current so strong.
"Which side are you paddling on?" Youssef groaned. He knew the two of them had to coordinate their efforts or risk losing control of the canoe. "You paddle on the left, and I'll paddle on the right. Okay?"
This direction didn't make sense to Mona. Each time she saw a rock on the left, she had to paddle on the right. And each time she saw a rock on the right, she had to paddle on the left. So how could she commit to just one side?
"Why aren't you answering?" Youssef yelled. He was beginning to panic. Communication had never been their strong suit as a couple. But never before had their inability to communicate been life threatening!
Mona knew that in the rear position of the canoe, she had more control over the steering. And she knew, as Youssef did, that good communication was the key to successful navigation. So she hatched a plan. "Here's the deal," she said. "Whenever you see a rock, call it out to me. And whenever I call out 'switch,' you start paddling on a different side. Okay?"
When Youssef didn't answer, her heart sank. Didn't her plan make sense? And didn't Youssef, her boyfriend of five years, trust her judgment?
"It's a deal," Youssef said at last. And then he cried out, "Rock!"
It was working. They were communicating and cooperating. The Chambo River was high but not too high for Youssef and Mona to handle.
1. Identify a theme from the story.
Relationships can lead to dangerous situations.
One always desires to escape.
Good communication is crucial in relationships.
Tragedy cannot be avoided.