The woman that came over had amazingly curly blonde hair, and wore a black and white pantsuit. Brett shifted his blue eyes to her, just like Skye had planned. She quickly unfolded the napkins and stuffed them down her shirt. The waitress started to eye Skye with a quizzical look, but before Brett made a move, Skye gestured to the waitress to keep him distracted.
“Ma’am, there is a restroom just behind the counter,” she said instead. Skye didn’t know this woman – this… Melinda, as her nametag read – but she felt so betrayed by her. Whatever happened to the girl code?
“I’m fine,” Brett looked to her, and she quickly folded her arms across her chest like nothing happened.
“Skye, what’s the big idea? What’s going on?” Melinda left the table, and Skye focused her attention back to Brett, feeling the napkins slip all the way down her torso. The napkins were all for nothing.
“Oh, nothing. So, what have you been up to, recently? You seeing anyone?” Skye wanted to kick herself. She couldn’t believe how forward she was being! He looked a little surprised by the question, but not unhappily so.