The main objective of this research was aimed at finding out the relationship between
Principal’s Instructional Leadership and School Effectiveness in the urban schools of Bhutan.
Purposive random sampling method was employed to select all the 53 urban schools
as the samples based on the 2013 data from the lists of schools in Bhutan. The total number of
respondents for the study was 53 school principals and 53 teachers from each of the sample
schools spread across the 16 provinces of Bhutan. For data analysis, the principal’s instructional
leadership score was calculated by averaging the scores of the principal and the selected
teacher of the same school. The instrument used for data collection consisted of two sets of
the questionnaire; the first one concerning to the Principal’s Instructional Leadership variable
with four dimensions had 30 measures with reference to 5-point rating scale. The second
concerning School Effectiveness variable used the existing secondary data from the national
evaluation of the schools in Bhutan for the academic year 2013. This was collected from the
school principals.
The overall view of the respondents on the dimensions of principal’s instructional
leadership was perceived at the high level. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation
Coefficients showed no significant correlation between the overall Principal’s Instructional
Leadership and School Effectiveness in the urban schools of Bhutan. There was significant
relationship found between professional development and curriculum dimensions of principal’s
instructional leadership and overall school effectiveness. The correlation was however low
positive correlation for the former and little correlation for the latter.