OBJECTIVE: Recent claims suggest foam rollers are useful in self-myofascial release and are a
stretching technique used by health care professionals to treat patients with a variety of soft tissue
conditions including muscle tightness. The purpose of this study was to determine if foam rollers
are beneficial in gaining range of motion (ROM) in the hamstring muscle group. DESIGN AND
SETTING: All subjects’ ROM was tested prior to the beginning of the stretching protocol. All
stretching routines were performed three times a week in the Mitchell Hall athletic training room.
Treatment consisted of three-one minute stretching bouts with a one minute rest between each
stretch. The control group was instructed to continue with normal activity, but to perform no
additional stretching. SUBJECTS: Twenty-three male and female college students (ages 18-32)
from the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse participated in this study. All subjects were healthy
with no history of recent injury. The criterion for subject inclusion was tight hamstrings as
defined by a knee extension range of motion less than 80˚. MEASUREMENTS: Active knee
extension measurements were determined using an inclinometer and a Flexometer® before the
start of the stretching program, at four weeks and at the conclusion of eight weeks. RESULTS: A
doubly multivariate repeated measures analysis was used to interpret the data. The statistical
significance was set at p