renal investigators have suggested the validity a vo2 max test be determined from not one, but MMARY everal criteria. In chap 15, it was discused that a The measurement of vo max the of large muscle groups and should be movement required by the athlete in his actate concentration of >8 be used ring the last stage exercise could had been he criteria to determine vo2, max obtained, However, the of taking blood samples and subsequent analysis for crite have p posed additional be ludged to be valid if two of the following criteria are met (a) tespl ratory exchange ratio 15 (b) HR during the that do not involve blood sampling. For example, Daniels (58 last test stage that is t10 beats per minute within the predicted HR max, and/or (c) et al. (00) and MeMiken as have proposed that a vo, max test be judged if any wo following criteria are met: a exchange ratio of z1.15, (2 a heart pla eau in Vo with an increase in work rate, Arm crank ergometry and wheelchair ergome try are commonly used to determine the peak voz in paraplegic ate during the last exercise stage that is per within the maximum rate, or plateau in vor with an increase work ra