SiNx and with TiOx ARC are shown and analyzed.he technology used to produce silicon solar cells in the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials
Science (IMMS) in Cracow is presented. The process sequence is based on diffusion from
POCl3 and screen printed contacts fired through the SiNx or TiOx antireflection coating
(ARC). Co-firing of the back and front metallization was achieved in an IR furnace. Two new
methods of acid texturization are discussed. The first is based on the formation of a porous
layer with of pore diameter about 0.5 µm, whilst the second is in the form of craters of size
5-10 µm. The Cz-Si monocrystalline solar cells have an efficiency greater than 15% with both
TiOx ARC and SiNx.ARC. The mc-Si have an efficiency over 14% with KOH texturization
and with SiNx ARC. The parameters of solar cells with different kinds of texturization, with