(4) Forests are the home for many types of plants and animals. Without the forests most of our animals and smaller plants would die and become extinct.
(5) Forests help to prevent natural disasters by retaining water and preventing flooding and mudslides.
(6) Forest absorb carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen al animals and humans need to breathe.
(7) Teh natural peace and beauty of the forests offer a special source of enjoyment.
(8) Forests help conserve and enrich the environment. For example by absorbing large amounts of rainfall they prevent soil erosion.
Forests are the lungs of our planet. No forests' means lower rainfall, soil erosion, loss of food crops, more carbon dioxide, and much less oxygen.
In short--No life on Earth!
At present the world's forests are in great trouble. Teh uncontrolled cutting down of trees for money has caused the total destruction of some types of trees, plants, and animals.