The column used for chromatographic
separation was an HP-5MS UI (30 m 0.25 mm
0.25 lm, Agilent Technologies). The oven was programmed to start
at 50 C for 5 min, ramp at 20 C/min until 150 C, ramp at 2 C/min
until 170 C, ramp at 3 C/min until 200 C, ramp at 4 C/min until
260 C followed by a 2-min hold and ramp at 5 C/min until
300 C. A post-run was held at 320 C for 5 min. The PTV was
programmed to start at 62.5 C for 0.15 min, ramp at 400 C until
400 C followed by a 5-min hold and ramp at 20 C/min until