over a one year cycle in two coupled Mediterranean coastal ecosystems (Little Bay (LiB) and Large Bay
(LaB)). Metals were present in seawater in the order Cu > Pb > Cd in both bays and showed important
variations within the same month than among months. In LiB, their concentrations were between 0.62
and 2.82 lg Cu l1, 0.16 and 19 lg Pb l1 and 0.007 and 0.14 lg Cd l1, respectively, whereas in LaB, they
were between 0.23 and 2.11 lg Cu l1, 0.09 and 0.76 lg Pb l1 and not detected and 0.65 lg Cd l1. SPM
play an important role on metal adsorption, especially for copper. Bioaccumulation factors showed that
bacteria and phytoplankton accumulate metals whereas zooplankton tends to biodiminish them in the
plankton food web