for deltoids (Cohen’s d = 1.45); 8.1 kgf for quadriceps (Cohen’s
d = 1.46); and 6.4 kgf for hamstrings (Cohen’s d = 1.54).
The domain ‘physical functioning’ of the SF-36 quality of life
questionnaire improved significantly more in the experimental
group than in the control group (MD 14 points, 95% CI 1 to 28,
Cohen’s d = 0.48). None of the other domains of the SF-36 showed
statistically significant effects (Table 3).
Both groups showed an improvement on average in the severity
of dyspnoea, as measured on the Medical Research Council scale
during the 10 days of the study. However, the experimental group
showed significantly greater improvement (MD 0.9 points, 95% CI
0.4 to 1.4, Cohen’s d = 0.98).
Pulmonary function was reduced to a similar degree compared
to predicted values in both groups (Table 4). After the interventions,
no substantial change in pulmonary function was detected.
Both groups showed a reduction on average in CRP during the
10 days of the study. The amount of reduction was similar in the
two groups. No correlations were found between CRP and the other
variables studied. Moreover, the change in CRP was not correlated
with peripheral muscle strength or improvement in the performance
of the functional capacity tests.
All participants survived long enough to be discharged from the
hospital. The type of treatment did not significantly influence length
of stay inhospital:median12days (IQR10 to18) in the experimental
group and median 13 days (IQR 11 to 25) in the control group. None
of the adverse events listed in the Methods section were identified
during the application of the allocated interventions