2.2 Each particular sale and purchase of the Parts shall be effected in accordance with the terms and conditions of an individual sales contract for the Parts (“Sales Contract”) from time to time entered into between the parties hereto pursuant to Article 3 hereof, in addition to the terms and conditions specifically set forth herein. The provisions of this Agreement shall be applicable to all Sales Contracts, and if there is an express inconsistent or contrary provision in the Sales Contract, the provision in this agreement shall have prevail over the provision in the Sales Contract.
Article 3. (Order and Acceptance)
3.1 A firm order for the Parts shall be placed by the BUYER with the SELLER by the beginning of a month that is three (3) months before the month in which the actual transaction is intended (in the case of on May delivery, for instance, a firm order covering the BUYER’s one month requirements for the month of May of a given year shall be placed on or before the beginning of February of the same year), by airmail, facsimile, electronic mail or telegram to the SELLER an order sheet form established by the SELLER. The unit quantity of the Parts for each order shall be designated by the SELLER from time to time.
3.2 If the SELLER notifies the BUYER by airmail, facsimile, electronic mail or telegram of its acceptance of any written firm purchase order placed by the BUYER pursuant to Article 3.1 above within five (5) business days from the date of its receipt from the BUYER of such order, a binding Sales Contract for the sale and purchase of the Parts covered by such purchase order shall become into existence between them at the time when the SELLER gives the BUYER such facsimile acceptance notice.
3.3 If considered appropriate, the BUYER or the SELLER may send a firm order or a notice of acceptance by means of facsimile, electronic mail or telegram. The order or the notice so sent by facsimile, electronic mail or telegram shall promptly be confirmed through airmail by the party sending such order or notice; provide, however, that the order and the notice shall bind the parties hereto when sent by facsimile electronic mail or telegram and shall not be affected by failure of confirmation by airmail.
3.4 On or before the last day of each month during the term of this Agreement, the BUYER shall provide the SELLER with a monthly estimate of the BUYER’s requirements for the Parts for the three (3) months beginning on the day next following the last day of three (3) months after the month in which the estimate is furnished (for example, the BUYER shall furnish the SELLER with a written estimate of its requirements of Parts for the three-month of May, June and July of a given year on or before the last day of January of that year), it being specifically understood between the parties hereto that such estimate shall be furnished on a noncommittal basis without obligation on the part of the BUYER and be intended solely to provide the SELLER with information and guidance in order to help the SELLER properly schedule the manufacture and delivery of such Parts.