The conversation continued along these lines for another half hour. Eden walked out after a
while, and Johnson and Abrams discussed in detail some of the factors behind the blowup. It became
evident that Abrams had been s tewing over the interruptions to his work at the desk for several
weeks. A previous incident that had occurred in Allentown was also rehashed. At that time Abrams
had mistakenly interpreted Eden's request for the name of one of the computer contractor's
programmers as an indication that the company was trying to hire a replacement for him and that he
was going to be fired. Eden had simply asked the question and had given no explanation. After Abrams had thought about it for an hour or so he became so incensed that he marched into the
manager's office, broke up a meeting, and asked if they wanted him to quit.
When Abrams related this to Johnson in Florida, Johnson assured him that "the company did
not operate in that fashion," and that if they were ever dissatisfied with his work, it would be
discussed completely with him.
The conversation drew to a close with an agreement that Abrams would continue to work on
the program until it was finished . Johnson promised to try to arrange a transfer to another
department as soon as it was complete and also to attempt to find a solution to his difficulties with
Then Johnson called Eden back into the office.
Johnson: Bill, Al has agreed to finish up on the operating system. I hope you two will try to keep in
mind the other fellow's feelings and try to be a little more tolerant and considerate. You know AI
is doing the sort of work that involves uninterrupted concentration , so make sure that the free
machine time is really worth breaking in for.
And, Al, you know that Bill's chief concern is the schedule and that he is afraid we won't
meet it. Understand that when he becomes apprehensive over your progress he is not being
critical but just wants to know where we stand.
One thing more, I want it understood that neither of you has prejudiced his position by what
has been said here today. You have honest differences and we'll try to resolve them, but we'll need
the cooperation of each of you.
With this, Abrams left, but Eden stayed behind.