The answer for this clue can easily be changed to
reflect your desired message. One way to do this is
to create your own version of the QuickTime movie.
First, you construct a PowerPoint presentation that features
one flag per slide. The flags should correspond to
the letters or numbers in whichever phrase you choose
to use as answer #1. To find out which letters correspond
with which flags, refer to the word document
“Code Flags.doc” in the clue #1 file on the Web site.
You can simply copy the images from the word document
and paste them onto the PowerPoint slides. Then,
go to “File” and, then, “Save as Movie.” The Power-
Point presentation is then converted into a QuickTime
movie. Then, copy and burn this movie onto blank
CD-ROMs, and place into envelopes labeled clue #1.
The file should be the only file on each CD-ROM.
Lastly, print some of the other distracting code sheets
available on the clue #1 file on the Web site (e.g.,Morse
code, state flags), and put them in the goody bag.