The growth profiles of six different Lactobacillus strains in the
presence of lactulose, GOS-La, GOS-Lu are shown in Fig. 1. Glucose
was also included in this study for comparative purposes. All
Lactobacillus strains grew during the first 24 h for all the substrates.
Higher growth rates were observed for LC and LD with glucose and
lactulose than with GOS-La and GOS-Lu substrates, whereas for LP1,
LP2 and LS the initial growth rates were similar for all carbohydrates
tested, and for LB the lowest initial growth was obtained
with glucose. However, after this time, growth rates of all Lactobacillus
strains decreased quickly when they were grown with
glucose and lactulose, whilst all strains kept constant or were
slightly modified with GOS-Lu and GOS-La. This response could be
attributed to different reasons. It is known that carbohydrates with
longer chain lengths are fermented more slowly (Cummings et al.,
2001) which is in agreement with the fermentation kinetics of
Lactobacillus strains exhibited in presence of GOS-La and GOS-Lu
(Fig. 1). Likewise, this could also explain the initial higher growth