How to use the entrepreneurial learning model
The purpose of the entrepreneurial learning model is to stimulate deeper personal aware¬ness and reflection on your journey of entrepreneurial learning. It is not a simplistic 'Am I an entrepreneur?" questionnaire. This section explains the model and provides a set of questions on each of the sub-themes. It aims to help you to reflect on your entrepreneurial development, either individually or in a small group discussion with other people.
Read through each of the three themes and clusters of sub-themes to gain an overall understanding, then return to the first theme, personal and social emergence.
Not every sub-theme will be relevant to your experience at present, unless you have been involved in a venture of some kind. Focus first on those which make sense to you. Those where you may not yet have had experience, for example in the 'negotiated enterprise* theme, may be where you can aim to gain experience through the practical activities included in the following chapters by working on an opportunity as part of your development.
Start to take notes as you go through it, which will help make sense of your own learning. You can do this by using the opportunity mapping approach to map your learning so far and ideas for your development, taking each sub-theme as a branch and making notes of your thoughts on each of the questions as you go along. An example is shown in Figure 3.4 to help you to get started. In this way, you can build up your personal map of your entrepreneurial learning.
Allow several periods of time for this, to reflect on each theme in turn.