Self: Knight of Coins
Cultivate your investments using good timing and skillful management; protect your interests.
The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.
The Knight of Coins (in some decks, The Prince) in this position portrays you as someone who is responsible, patient, and of practical service. You realize that with right timing and proper attention, wise investments multiply, like a field which has been cultivated.
This does not have to do with greed or even the profit motive as we think of it now. Your contribution is like that of the farmer who sows a field of grain for the sake of the entire community. Your service does not stop there, however. The crop must be allowed to grow unmolested by predators or thieves. That's another reason we need to summon forth the stalwart character inside of us who can be trusted to protect and defend the community and its harvest. This card implies generous service of all types.