The difficulty for clinical diagnosis of CHARGE syndrome is how to differentiate from the 22q deletion
syndrome, Kabuki syndrome, Velo-cardio-facial syndrome (VCFS), Cat Eye syndrome, retinoic acid
embryopathy, VACTERL association and PAX2 abnormalities, which have many similar behavioral and
clinical features with CHARGE. Therefore, gene analysis is the most accurate and definitive method for
differential diagnosis (Blake and Prasad, 2006).
The only pathogenic gene involved in CHARGE syndrome reported to date is CHD7. Heterozygous CHD7
mutations existed in more than 90% of the patients with typical CHARGE syndrome based on the clinical
diagnostic criteria (Corsten-Janssen et al., 2013). We documented a de novo heterozygous mutation on
CHD7 gene (c.2916_2917del) in the present case, which was a novel small deletion causing a frame-shift in
CHD7. The novel variant was expected to lead to a truncated protein and considered to be pathogenic
because it is very likely to result in haploinsufficiency.
The difficulty for clinical diagnosis of CHARGE syndrome is how to differentiate from the 22q deletionsyndrome, Kabuki syndrome, Velo-cardio-facial syndrome (VCFS), Cat Eye syndrome, retinoic acidembryopathy, VACTERL association and PAX2 abnormalities, which have many similar behavioral andclinical features with CHARGE. Therefore, gene analysis is the most accurate and definitive method fordifferential diagnosis (Blake and Prasad, 2006).The only pathogenic gene involved in CHARGE syndrome reported to date is CHD7. Heterozygous CHD7mutations existed in more than 90% of the patients with typical CHARGE syndrome based on the clinicaldiagnostic criteria (Corsten-Janssen et al., 2013). We documented a de novo heterozygous mutation onCHD7 gene (c.2916_2917del) in the present case, which was a novel small deletion causing a frame-shift inCHD7. The novel variant was expected to lead to a truncated protein and considered to be pathogenicbecause it is very likely to result in haploinsufficiency.
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