This concept of sensory marketing has received great attention from many top companies. Advertising within the food industry alone provides some illustrative examples, as companies try to incorporate more senses than just taste into their product experiences. A new brand of chewing gum that produces a seemingly one-dimensional sensory experience (taste) is named "5" for all five senses, and the tagline reiterates this approach (“stimulate your senses"). Other examples include ads for Magnum 5 Senses Ice Cream and Denny’s breakfast (“taste it with all five senses”). Other products that provide a single sensory experience also try to stimulate the other senses. Axe Dark Temptation deodorant spray is advertised with an irresistible chocolate man that appeals to all the girls (“Become as irresistible as chocolate”). Even electronic products want to stimulate our senses, with names like BlackBerry, Chocolate, and Touch.