The probability of creating unique handcrafted goods from recyclable
waste by respondents with the presence of an environmental
cadre was eight times higher than without an environmental cadre.
In addition, the probability of creating unique handcrafted goods
from recyclable waste by respondents having an available waste
bank was nine times higher than without an available waste bank.
The fitted model of recycling activity was used to estimate the
probability on recycling activity. For example, if there were an environmental
cadre (=1) and a waste bank in respondent’s area (=1).
So, the probability of creating unique handcrafted goods activity
was as follows:
g (x) = −5.682 + 2.074 (1) + 2.153 (1) = −1.455
(x) = e[−1.455]
1 + e[−1.455]
= 0.189 ≈ 0.19 = 19%
On the other hand, if there were no an environmental cadre
(=0) and a waste bank (=0) in respondent’s area, the probability of
creating unique handcrafted goods was as follows:
g (x) = −5.682 + 2.074 (0) + 2.153 (0) = −5.682
(x) = e[−5.682]
1 + e[−5.682]
= 0.003 = 0.3%
The estimation of probability on respondent’s creating unique
handcrafted goods activity was 19%, if there were an environmental
cadre and a waste bank in respondent’s area. On contrary, if there
were not an environmental cadre and a waste bank, the estimation
of probability on respondent’s creating unique handcrafted goods
activity was 0.3%.
The results from the binary logistic regression on composting
are shown in Table 8. The influencing factors on the composting
activity were gender, HSW reduction training, information from
mass media, and the existence of environmental cadre, because the
significant values were 0.043; 0.071; 0.027; and 0.018, respectively.
The values of significant were less than 0.1 (10%), indicating that the
variables exerted substantial control over the composting activity.
Based on Eq. (2), the logistic regression model on composting
activity was as follows:
g (x) = −5.872 + 1.079 gender (1)
+1.097 environmental training (1)
+1.680 information from mass media (1)
The probability of creating unique handcrafted goods from recyclablewaste by respondents with the presence of an environmentalcadre was eight times higher than without an environmental cadre.In addition, the probability of creating unique handcrafted goodsfrom recyclable waste by respondents having an available wastebank was nine times higher than without an available waste bank.The fitted model of recycling activity was used to estimate theprobability on recycling activity. For example, if there were an environmentalcadre (=1) and a waste bank in respondent’s area (=1).So, the probability of creating unique handcrafted goods activitywas as follows:g (x) = −5.682 + 2.074 (1) + 2.153 (1) = −1.455 (x) = e[−1.455]1 + e[−1.455]= 0.189 ≈ 0.19 = 19%On the other hand, if there were no an environmental cadre(=0) and a waste bank (=0) in respondent’s area, the probability ofcreating unique handcrafted goods was as follows:g (x) = −5.682 + 2.074 (0) + 2.153 (0) = −5.682 (x) = e[−5.682]1 + e[−5.682]= 0.003 = 0.3%The estimation of probability on respondent’s creating uniquehandcrafted goods activity was 19%, if there were an environmentalcadre and a waste bank in respondent’s area. On contrary, if therewere not an environmental cadre and a waste bank, the estimationof probability on respondent’s creating unique handcrafted goodsactivity was 0.3%.The results from the binary logistic regression on compostingare shown in Table 8. The influencing factors on the composting
activity were gender, HSW reduction training, information from
mass media, and the existence of environmental cadre, because the
significant values were 0.043; 0.071; 0.027; and 0.018, respectively.
The values of significant were less than 0.1 (10%), indicating that the
variables exerted substantial control over the composting activity.
Based on Eq. (2), the logistic regression model on composting
activity was as follows:
g (x) = −5.872 + 1.079 gender (1)
+1.097 environmental training (1)
+1.680 information from mass media (1)
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