I N literature, while some similarity measures are pro- posed, properties of fuzzy similarity and fuzzy distance
measures are still not common for all proposed measures
even though studied and discussed. The studies on fuzzy
similarity measures are mostly theoretic [1]–[5] and were
the subject of several publications. [6]–[8] applied fuzzy
similarity measures to image processing. [9] presented a
fuzzy similarity inference method for fuzzy reasoning. [10]
proposed and applied a similarity measure to shape retrieval
using the SQUID data set described with Fourier descriptor.
[11] aggregated implication operators to a similarity measure
applied to shape classification and [12], [13] applied fuzzy
similarity measures to handwritten Arabic sentences recognition. [14] presented a recognition system for handwritten
Latin words described with Gabor filters and used a process
recognition based on fuzzy logic to study the variations
of handwriting style of different writers. [15] presented an
off-line Arabic signature recognition and verification using
fuzzy concepts, other works are found in [16]–[19]. In
these works, similarity measures are applied or proposed,