Thomas : Hi Tracy. What's going on?
Tracy : Hi Thomas. I'm waiting in line to buy a DVD player.
Thomas : The line is too long. Why don't you come back tomorrow.
Tracy : I think you're right. They're going to close soon.
Thomas : Let's go get some coffee.
Tracy :OK. Wait a minute, I have to get something out of my purse. Willyou hold this for me?
Thomas : Sure. Oops.
Tracy : What happened?
Thomas : I dropped your calculator. Is it broken?
Tracy :I'm not sure. Let me have a look. No, I don't think it's broken. Thebutton came off though. I can fix it.
Thomas : Sorry about that.
Tracy :Don't worry about it. I do that all the time. If it is broken, I haveanother one in my car.