Lighting research has tended to distinguish
between the effects on building occupants of artificial,
interior lighting and of natural light or daylighting
from windows. Daylighting research has
linked increased comfort and productivity with
window size and proximity, as well as with view
out, control over blinds and shielding from glare
(Hedge, 2000; Leather, Pyrgas, Beale, &
Lawrence, 1998; Mallory-Hill, van der Voost, &
Van Dortmost, 2004). More significantly,
research on daylight and views from hospital
rooms has been shown to affect medication
requirements and recovery rates (Ulrich, 1991;
Verderber & Reuman, 1988). In their overview
of the effects of different kinds of artificial lighting
on task performance and occupant satisfaction,
Boyce, Veitch, Newsham, Myer, and Hunter
(2003) concluded that current office lighting standards
are preferred by most people carrying out
typical office tasks in a simulated office environment,
where workers used controls to exercise
their lighting choices. The study results made a
distinction between visual comfort—lighting
needed to perform well on office tasks—and satisfaction,
or lighting judged to be aesthetic.
Lighting research has tended to distinguishbetween the effects on building occupants of artificial,interior lighting and of natural light or daylightingfrom windows. Daylighting research haslinked increased comfort and productivity withwindow size and proximity, as well as with viewout, control over blinds and shielding from glare(Hedge, 2000; Leather, Pyrgas, Beale, &Lawrence, 1998; Mallory-Hill, van der Voost, &Van Dortmost, 2004). More significantly,research on daylight and views from hospitalrooms has been shown to affect medicationrequirements and recovery rates (Ulrich, 1991;Verderber & Reuman, 1988). In their overviewof the effects of different kinds of artificial lightingon task performance and occupant satisfaction,Boyce, Veitch, Newsham, Myer, and Hunter(2003) concluded that current office lighting standardsare preferred by most people carrying outtypical office tasks in a simulated office environment,where workers used controls to exercisetheir lighting choices. The study results made adistinction between visual comfort—lightingneeded to perform well on office tasks—and satisfaction,or lighting judged to be aesthetic.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

จากหน้าต่าง วิจัยแสงธรรมชาติได้
(Hedge, 2000; หนัง Pyrgas, บีลอ์และ
อเรนซ์ 1998; มัลฮิลล์, เดอร์รถตู้ Voost และ
รถตู้ Dortmost, 2004) เพิ่มเติมอย่างมีนัยสำคัญ
ความต้องการและอัตราการฟื้นตัว (อูล, 1991;
& Verderber Reuman, 1988) ในภาพรวมของพวกเขา
บอยซ์ Veitch, Newsham, Myer และฮันเตอร์
(2003) ได้ข้อสรุปว่าสำนักงานมาตรฐานแสงปัจจุบัน
งานสำนักงานทั่วไปใน สภาพแวดล้อมที่สำนักงานจำลอง
ทางเลือกของพวกเขาแสง ผลการศึกษาทำให้
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..