Table 5.1 Description and rationale for nine ICT Literacy units in a programme of teacher
professional development
Unit Description
A1 Basic Concepts of ICT • to identify and understand the functions of the main
components and of various peripherals of a typical information
and/or communication system.
• to understand the main functions of the systems software
environment in relation to the main generic applications
A2 Using the Computer and
Managing Files
• to use the main functions of the systems software environment
and to utilize its features in relation to the main
applications software being used.
A3 Word Processing • to use a word processor skilfully and intelligently to produce
various readable and structured documents.
A4 Working with a
• to understand and make use of a prepared spreadsheet.
A5 Working with a Database • to understand and make use of a prepared database.
A6 Composing Documents
and Presentations
• to make and use graphical (re)presentations.
A7 Information and
• to understand and be able to communicate with computers
online, with sources of information, as well as with
other people.
A8 Social and Ethical Issues • to understand the social, economic and ethical issues
associated with the use of ICT. to explain the current situation
and trends in computing against the background
of past developments.
A9 Jobs and/with ICT • to be aware of the nature of change of jobs in one's own
discipline and in the teacher profession itself, to be aware
of the way ICT plays a ro