It was clear from the qualitative research in this population that purely “health shock” publicity featuring, for example, cancerous lungs and blocked arteries had become passé. Also, there seemed to be few new messages to convey about the risks of smoking, but that information on the short term benefits of giving up and the eVects of parental smoking on children could be highlighted. Furthermore, it was important that the overall tone of campaign should be “anti-smoking” not “anti-smoker”. The research revealed that using celebrity endorsement would oVer most potential to convey these messages in a supportive way. The actor and comedian John Cleese, an ex-smoker, agreed to take part in the campaign. During focus groups and in-depth interviews with smokers and ex-smokers, over 20 pilot advertisements were tested featuring John Cleese talking directly to the viewer in a series of sketches. They featured him trying to give up smoking, trying not to relapse, and imparting information about the eVects of smoking on the smoker and those around them, particularly the eVects on children.