Romano was sitting on the edge of his bed, the soft touch of the sun rising caressing his wet skin. Some tabaco smoke escaped from his shiny lips. He wasn't the romantic type, he wasn't like his brother who knew how to talk to women... but the last night, everything has been different.
He was walking on the streets of the beautifull city of Rome, trying to remember some memories of him and his brother with their Grand Pa Rome. He let out a sight and sat down on a bench close to a fountain.
'What are you doing here?' asked a soft voice.
He looked up, and felt his heart stopped. 'She is... beautiful...' He thought as his eyes were analyzing your curves. He smirked and just looked away, he didn't want to talk to you, he didn't want to hear anything about you. He knew how girls were and how they could hurt men... He didn't want that, so, he sipmply ignore your presence. A soft sent of blossom flower came to play with his sens. You were sitting close to him, curious to see his reaction.
'Leave me alone.' he ordered you.
'Because I bloody want to stay all by myself!', he shout out in his natural delicated style.
He closed his eyes, massaging his forhead. Wonderfull! He had an headache on top!
'Are you feeling okay? You look pale'
He really wanted to kill you but he was to tired to do so.
'I'm NOT feeling okay, puttana di mierda! Leave me alone right now or I kill you RIGHT AWAY!!!'
His voice broke when he understud something, you were laughing. One tear role down your cheek as you tried to calm down, trying to find your breath back.
'W-what did I say that's so funny?', he asked complitly lost.
'You didn't change in ten years Lovino! Always calm and gentle with the people who cares!', you answered with the most beautifull smile.
Sadunly, everything came up again. Your smile, your (h/c) hair, your way to stend and how he was so in love with you when you were younger.
You smile even more, a light blush coloring your cheeks.
'Yes, Lovi, it's me, your best friend!'
How was he supposed to react? Hold you in his arms? Be angry against you because you left him to go in France for your studies? Well, maybe the two at the same time... He wrap his arms around you and pulled you close to him, nuzzleling your hair, breathing your smell. He always found it addictive, like some kind of drug, as dangerous, as powerfull... You stayed this way for maybe ten minutes before you broke the hug, a sad look on your face. He finally asked:
'________, what are you doing here?'
You took a second before answering.
'I'm gonna get married tomorrow...'
Sadunly, he thought the world was falling down around him, his heart was torn up. He wanted to cry, but he didn't, he would never cry for some kind of stupidities like love.
'Gr-great... I'm happy for you, mia bella...', he said without stopping to look at you, 'Who is the lucky one?'
You smiled sadly, you weren't blind, you were seeing his anger and sadness. Could you tell him the truth? The name of your fiance? Well, you had to... because if you weren't saying it, he would have done it anyway...
This time, he had the feeling of dieing. Antonio? This Tomato-bastardo?! That couldn't be! No!
'He wants you to be... his witness.'
'No... I'm sorry but... I can't...', he answered has he stood up and start to go without looking back.
As you looked at him walking away, you felt something you never expirienced before: heart break. You were in love with the intalian at high school but, sins then, you were convienced you didn't felt anything for him anymore. But... maybe... the fact of seeing him again made your feelings appiered again?
You took your face in your hands and waited seconds, minutes, hours. When it was 8 pm, you didn't felt like going back at the hotel to see Antonio. You were in love with him... but... Romano was always coming back into your mind. You had to see him, one last time maybe but... you had to tell him...