Adjusting the weights of different components of a program
The purpose of programming assignments is to evaluate the studentsí ability inwriting programs. Sometimes, the instructors or markers would like to examine some particular components of student programs in more detail. For example, if a marker wants to evaluate the studentís familiarity with using ëinner classí in Java, then he or she can adjust the component ëinner classí to a higher weight in the system. The new system provides a way for the markers to adjust the weights of the components to be examined in a program. In other words, it can increase the 224 S. C. Ng, S. O. Choy and R. Kwan accuracy of the system in detecting plagiarism. Figure 3 shows a sample screen
for adjusting the weights of components in a program. Note that the total of all
the weights in class components and interface components should be 100%.