Interactive consumer product promotion method and match game
US 5791991 A
An interactive consumer product promotion method and match game includes a database which is accessed for an information screen displayed on an interactive electronic terminal, such as a personal computer, interactive television, in-store kiosk, etc. The displayed information screen typically includes a listing of popular consumer product categories, such as "Detergents"; "Cereals"; "Motor Oil"; "Cookies"; "Crackers"; etc. along with a matrix of spaces representing a match game such as Bingo or Keno. In each space in the displayed matrix a symbol is displayed. The game is played by comparing selected consumer product categories with preselected spaces on the matrix to detect matches and corresponding prizes. Coupons and/or rebate offers for products with the selected categories are downloaded for printing by the consumer. A personalized rebate form can be printed which allows the consumer to collectively submit multiple register receipts and/or UPC codes for selected products, via mail or electronic scanning, in order to secure a single combined electronic or mailed rebate payment.