Subtle differences in the ways teachers teach are also found in Pakistan. As reported in Dean’s (2010) chapter, citizenship education has always been ideological, religious, and nationalistic, as illustrated by the fact that the Musharaf government calledfor and end to the charade of parliamentary democracy, finding Pakistanis ‘ unfit of democracy’, and thus Pakistan required’ strong leaders, not weak democracy’. In 2008, the post-Musharaf government sought to institutionalize a more robust democracy yet to be reflected in citizenship pedagogy. Like many other countries, Social Studies is the main subject for citizen-ship education in Pakistan. However, as observed by Dean, the textbooks use Islamic ideology to develop a sensee of national identity, which is promoted through a denial of cultural and religious diversity and by cultivating loyalty to the nation and Islam. The textbooks state that Pakistan is a democracy, but the concept of democracy is largely confined to voting in elections. Rather than promoting democracy, the textbooks promote military rule and a militarized state. In the classroom, didactic approaches are predominant, being teacher centred and lecture based.