Personality traits tend to be fairly stable in adulthood and lead people to act in certain preferred ways. At
work, your personality will sometimes help you to carry out work roles effectively and at other times it may
get in the way. Leading meetings, fronting presentations and organizing social occasions will come more
easily to individuals with high scores on extraversion. By contrast, people with low scores on agreeableness
may find it harder to acquire skills in areas such as team or group working and networking because they
are more self-sufficient and self-absorbed.
Please remember that this personalized feedback report is based on a self-perception questionnaire which
is not infallible. It is perfectly possible for a variety of reasons that you may not recognize yourself in some
of the comments made. If this is the case, you might like to check what other people think. It would certainly
be a good idea to take views from bosses, peers and direct reports before taking career or development
Your results are reported as Standard Ten (sten) scores. Stens indicate your standing relative to other
people who have taken the test. The table below summarizes what different sten scores mean about your
behavioral style and competencies