TSI has already performed an initial technology assessment and is pleased with it. A marketing feasibility assessment titled the Marketing Analysis and Ticket Sales Forecast Study (referred to as “the study” throughout this case), was performed by Big Apple Marketing and has been reviewed by the TSI management team. Sections of the study appear in Appendix A. The results of this study were incorporated into the overall financial projections done by management. The management team had mixed feelings about the resulting financial projections because they were based on too many unverified assumptions provided by Big Apple Marketing. Some members of the management team felt the financial projections seemed too good to be true. They wondered if Big Apple Marketing had missed some key aspects in their projections and how those projections impacted management’s resulting financial estimates. Other members were convinced that market conditions were very attractive to launch TSI and wanted to move immediately before competitors entered the market. All agreed to give a second critical look at essential sections of the Big Apple Marketing study. NYC Associates, a marketing consultancy, was retained to validate the ticket sales projections in the Big Apple Marketing study.