Sound Installation, Cartridges, Mirrors, Speakers.
*Distortion* draws attention to the increasing commodification of weapons in a world governed by fears of war and international terrorism. Suspended in mid air, the rows of cartridges create a square that is replicated in a mirror positioned underneath. The cartridges have a precious appearance due to their polished surfaces, implying the intrinsic value of the object in an era where weapons, war, and violence are prized and lucrative commodities. Multiplication and the never ending vicious cycle perpetuated by violence is emphasised by the mirror underneath, while the suspension of the cartridges suggests the suspension of time. The arrangement of the cartridges in conjunction with the mirror create an almost abstract piece that belongs to no particular place or time. Weapons and violence are therefore critique not only as commodification, but also as cold multiplication of a never ending mirroring effect of time and place.