The most strength industries of Samsung are engineering, heavy industries, and electronics. Samsung has high rankings of its products in each business fileds. Samsung Electronics has achieved large market share in many products, especially in mobile phones, smartphones, semiconductors and television sets. The company ranked No.1 by market share in televisions and mobile phones sales. Also, since smartphone became a necessity in thies digital era, Samsung is ranked on 2nd place in smartphnoes sales in the world. Thus, Samsung has been a reputed and a familiar company in the world. Next strength, Samsung has built its production facilities in low cost countries. Since the company saves its cost from production, it provides its products with lower prices than others, but still earns high margins. Last, Samsung's smarphone allows open sourse OS and software. Unlike Apple, Samsung concentrates on developing devices that are integrated with most OS and software, such as Android. Thus, Samsung takes large share in Android smartphone market, that Apple lost.